This web page is a free translation. The original French text would be binding in case of dispute.
For online monetary donations directed to a specific project or to NWB/ IISF/ EESF itself, please use the « Donate » button in the upper right corner of the sidebar.
Once on the Canada Helps website, please select (in the dropdown list) which project you would like to donate to and allow a 4% fee.
To donate by regular mail (check), please complete the appropriate documents and mail to the address shown on our contact page.
For your material donation, please contact us (by email or phone) to validate the needs and a NWB representative will contact you to go through the process for shipment and receipt for tax purposes.
NWB applies throughout its operations the guiding principles set out in its Charter (V20180929 french).
Yes, I want to become a member of the organization Nurses Without Borders (NWB) and I accept its Charter (philosophy, mission, service and commitment).
To register, please complete the form below and click on the button. This will take you to the Canada Helps website where you can submit your $30 per year fee.
If you wish to submit your payment by regular mail, close the Canada Helps page and send a check for $30 per year to the order of Nurses Without Borders (NWB) to the address found on our contact page.